Sunday, June 28, 2009

Six Degrees of Separation Weekly Challenge

Transformers bombshell Megan Fox... The Hurt Locker's bomb-dismantling Jeremy Renner.

Recognition will be noted for conciseness and creativity.


  1. Megan --> Michael Day (director) --> Ben Affleck (Armageddon) --> Russell Crowe (State of Play) --> Richard Harris (Gladiator) --> Guy Pierce (Count of Monte Cristo) --> Jeremy Renner (The Hurt Locker)

  2. Megan Fox to Michael Bay (Transformers) to Ewan McGregor (The Island) to Danny Boyle (Trainspotting) to Jeremy Renner (28 Weeks Later)

  3. Megan Fox to Amanda Seyfried (Jennifer's Body) to Colin Firth (Mamma Mia) to Alan Rickman (Love Actually) to Ralph Fiennes (Harry Potter) to Jeremy Renner (Hurt Locker)

  4. Megan Fox to Jon Voight (Transformers) to Al Pacino (Midnight Cowboy) to Meryl Streep (Angels in America) to Tom Cruise (Lions for Lambs) to Kirsten Dunst (Interview with the Vampire) to Rose Byrne (Marie Antionette) to Jeremy Renner (28 Weeks Later)

  5. Revised...
    Megan Fox to Amanda Seyfried (Jennifer's Body) to Colin Firth (Mamma Mia) to Ralph Fiennes (English Patient!) to Jeremy Renner (Hurt Locker)
    ...Sorry Alan

  6. Megan Fox to Michael Bay (Transformers) to Jennifer Garner (Pearl Harbor) to Leonardo Dicaprio (Catch Me if You Can) to Danny Boyle (28 Weeks) to Jeremy Renner

  7. Angels & Demons GurlJune 29, 2009 at 7:06 PM

    Megan Fox to Lindsay Lohan (Confessions of a Teenage...) to Chris Pine (Just My Luck) to Zoe Saldana (Star Trek) to Tom Hanks (The Terminal XOXOXOOXO!!!) to Jude Law (Road to Perdition) to Sienna Miller (Alife) to Guy Pearse (Factory Girl) to Jeremy Renner (The Hurt Locker)

  8. Retraction on previous post: Leo to Danny via The Beach, then Danny to Jeremy in 28 weeks...

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Since people are doing so well with this one, Katie and I are raising the stakes. We challenge you to hit one (or all) of these people along the way:

    1. Charlize Theron
    2. Michelle Pfieffer
    3. Jimmy Stewart (only if you have a LOT of time on your hands...)

  11. Megan--> Robert Orci & Alex Kurtzman (Transformers Writers) --> Chris Pine (Star Trek) --> Bill Pullman (Bottleshock) --> Will Smith (Independence Day) --> Tommy Lee Jones (Valley of Elah) --> Javier Bardem (No Country for Old Men) --> Scarlett Johansson (Vickie Christina Barcelona) --> Bill Murray (Lost in Translation)-->Andie McDowell (Groundhog Day) --> John Travolta (Michael) --> Denzel Washington (The Taking of Pelham 123) --> Dakota Fanning (Man on Fire) --> Robert Pattinson (Twilight: New Moon) --> Ralph Finnes (HP) --> Jeremy Renner (Hurt Locker)

  12. Jeremy Renner to Rose Byrne (28 Weeks Later) to Glenn Close (Damages) to Michelle Pfieffer (Dangerous Liasons) to George Clooney (One Fine Day) to Tilda Swinton (Michael Clayton) to James McAvoy (Narnia) to Morgan Freeman (Wanted) to Hillary Swank (Million Dollar Baby) to Gerard Butler (P.S. I Love You) to Emmy Rossum (Phantom of the Opera) to Jake Gyllenhall (Day After Tomorrow) to Michelle Williams (Brokeback Mountain) to Katie Holmes (Dawson's Creek) to Queen Latifah (Mad Money) to Catherine Zeta Jones (Chicago) to Antonio Banderas (Zorro) to Carmen Maura (Women on the Verge) to Penelope Cruz (Volver) to Daniel Day Lewis (Nine) to Paul Dano (There Will Be Blood) to Alan Arkin (Little Miss Sunshine) to Anne Hathaway (Get Smart) to Rosemarie DeWitt (Rachel Getting Married) to Jon Hamm (Mad Men) to Keanu Reaves (Day the Earth Stood Still) to Rachel Weitz (Constantine) to Darren Aranofsky (The Fountain) to Evan Rachel Wood (The Wrestler) to Anna Paquin (True Blood) to Hugh Jackman (X-Men) to Christian Bale (The Prestige) to Matthew McConaghey (Reign of Fire) to Jennifer Lopez (The Wedding Planner) to Ralph Fiennes (Maid in Manhattan) to Liam Neelson (Schindler's List) to Rowan Atkinson (Love Actually) to John Malkovich (Johnny English) to Caroline Keener (Being John Malkovich) to Kristen Stewart (Into the Wild) to Rob Pattinson (Twilight) to Michael Gambon (Harry Potter) to Angelina Jolie (The Good Shepard) to Jon Voight (Tomb Raider) to Megan Fox (Transformers)

  13. Thought of another one:

    Tea Leoni --> Nicholas Cage (Family Man) --> Brigit Fonda (It Could Happen to You) --> Jane Fonda (relation) --> Katherine Hepburn (On Golden Pond) --> Jimmy Stewart (Philadelphia Story) --> Cary Grant (Philadelphia Story) --> Audrey Hepburn (Charade) --> Rex Harrison (My Fair Lady) --> Julie Andrews (My Fair Lady - Broadway) --> Anne Hathaway (Princess Diaries) --> Bill Irwin (Rachel Getting Married) --> Nathan Lane (Waiting for Godot - Broadway) --> Robin Williams (The Birdcage) --> Maggie Smith** (Hook) --> Judi Dench (Ladies in Lavender) --> Jenna Malone (Pride & Prejudice) --> Kristin Scott Thomas (Life as a House) --> Ralph Finnes (The English Patient) --> Jeremy Renner (The Hurt Locker)

    **note: it's possible to go from Maggie --> Ralph --> Jeremy, but I wanted to make it a little more interesting

  14. Whoops...forgot to post the first part:

    Megan --> Michael Bay --> Billy Bob Thorton (Armaggedon) --> Angelina Jolie (spouse (divorced)) --> Morgan Freeman (Wanted) --> Tea Leoni (Deep Impact)Nicholas Cage (Family Man) --> Brigit Fonda (It Could Happen to You) --> Jane Fonda (relation) --> Katherine Hepburn (On Golden Pond) --> Jimmy Stewart (Philadelphia Story) --> Cary Grant (Philadelphia Story) --> Audrey Hepburn (Charade) --> Rex Harrison (My Fair Lady) --> Julie Andrews (My Fair Lady - Broadway) --> Anne Hathaway (Princess Diaries) --> Bill Irwin (Rachel Getting Married) --> Nathan Lane (Waiting for Godot - Broadway) --> Robin Williams (The Birdcage) --> Maggie Smith** (Hook) --> Judi Dench (Ladies in Lavender) --> Jenna Malone (Pride & Prejudice) --> Kristin Scott Thomas (Life as a House) --> Ralph Finnes (The English Patient) --> Jeremy Renner (The Hurt Locker)

  15. Megan Fox --> Shia LeBeouf (Transformers) --> Carrie Anne Moss (Disturbia) --> Guy Pierce (Momento) --> Jeremy Renner (The Hurt Locker)

  16. Einen tollen Blog hast Du! Ich bin auch so ein Filmfan, vorallem alte Filme haben es mir angetan.
    Viele liebe Grüße,
